Tribina AMZH “Šumski ekosustavi kao prirodna staništa uzročnika zoonoza”

Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske organizira tribinu “Šumski ekosustavi Hrvatske kao prirodna staništa uzročnika zoonoza” (predavač: prof. dr. sc. Josip Margaletić, član Akademije šumarskih znanosti).  Tribina će se održati u utorak, 28. ožujka 2017. s početkom u 18:00 sati u Velikoj dvorani Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora u Zagrebu, Šubićeva 9. Detaljnije informacije dostupne […]

HATZ and POUZ Round Table Discussion "Teachers' Competences in the Higher Education"

Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) and Public Open University Zagreb (POUZ) are organising the Round Table Discussion “Teachers’ Competences in the Higher Education”, which will take place on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, starting at 12:00 AM, at the Great Hall of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in […]

AMZH, HATZ, APZH and AŠZ Scientific Symposium "Modern Technologies: Ethics of Usage and Legal Regulation"

In accordance with the 2012 Agreement on Cooperation between Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences (AMZH), Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ), Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences (APZH) and Academy of Forestry Sciences (AŠZ), the Council and Coordination of the Four Academies are organizing the Scientific Symposium “Modern Technologies: Ethics of Usage […]

Kolačići: Kako bi se osigurao ispravan rad ovih web-stranica, na vaše uređaje vršimo pohranu male podatkovne datoteke poznate pod nazivom kolačići. Uz prihvat Kolačića vaše pregledavanje stranice će se vršiti nesmetano, a u koliko ne prihvatite Kolačiće možda vam neki od sadržaja neće biti dostupni. Više informacija

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