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Bogdan, Stjepan, full professor at the Faculty of electrical engineering University of Zagreb, associate member 2017., Department of Systems and Cybernetics, BSEE 1990., MSEE 1993., PhDEE 1999., 6129-644, stjepan.bogdan@fer.hr, http:\\larics.fer.hr
Autonomous robotic systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Discrete Event Systems
Draganjac, I; Miklic, D; Kovacic, Z; Vasiljevic, G; Bogdan, S; Decentralized Control of Multi-AGV Systems in Autonomous Warehousing Applications, IEEE T-ASE, 2016, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1433 – 1466 Haus, T; Palunko, I; Tolic, D; Bogdan, S; Lewis, F.L.; Mikulski, D.G.; Trust-Based Self-Organizing Network Control, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 18, pp. 2126–2135 Orsag, M; Korpela, C; Bogdan, S; Oh, P; Hybrid Adaptive Control for Aerial Manipulation, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems Vol. 73, No 3-4, 2014, pp 693-707 Sindicic I.; Bogdan S.; Petrović T.; Resource Allocation in Free-choice Multiple Reentrant Manufacturing Systems Based on Machine-job Incidence Matrix, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2011, pp. 105-114 Lewis F.L.; Gurel A.; Bogdan S.; Doganalp A.; Pastravanu O; Analysis of Deadlock and Circular Waits Using a Matrix Model for Discrete Event Manufacturing Systems, Automatica, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 1083-1100, 1998. „MORUS – Unmanned System for Maritime Security and Environmental Monitoring“ NATO-SPS program, EAP.SFPP 984807 – project leader, 2015-2018. “ASSISI – Animal and robot Societies Self-organise and Integrate by Social Interaction”, EU FP7 ICT, Project no. 601074 – work package leader, 2013-2018. „EuRoC – European Robotics Challenges“, EU FP7 ICT, Project no. 608849 – work package co-leader, 2014-2017. „Human-in-the-loop Control of Multi-agent Aerial Systems Under Intermittent Communication“,Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFRL), Project no. FA8655-13-1-3055 – project leader, 2013-2015 „ACROSS – Centre of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems“, EU FP7-REGPOT-2011-1, Project No.: 285939 – work package leader, 2011-2014 Author of a book: Bogdan S.; Lewis F.L.; Kovačić Z.; Mireles J.; Manufacturing Systems Control Design: A matrix based approach, Springer, London, 2006. Kovačić Z.; Bogdan S.; Fuzzy Controller Design: Theory and Applications, CRC Press – Taylor&Francis, Boca Raton, 2006. Invited lecture: Wind generation remote inspection, European Robotics Forum, Workshop on Aerial Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 21.03.2016. Multi-Agent Control in Degraded Communication Environments, American Control Conference, Workshop on Recent Advances and Future Directions on Adaptation and Control, Chicago, USA, June 30, 2015 UAV as a service platform for an unmanned underwater vehicle, ICRA 2015, Workshop on Aerial Robotics Manipulation and Load Transportation, Seattle, SAD, 26.05.2015 Award of the Society of University Teachers for outstanding scientific results as the best young researcher in technical fields, 2000. Science Award, Faculty council of the Faculty of electrical engineering and computing, 2013. Fran Bošnjaković Award, University of Zagreb, 2015. |