Engineering Power, Vol. 17(3) 2022


“Engineering Power” Vol. 17(3) 2022

Vedran Mornar

Bruno Zelić

Zdenka Zovko Brodarac, University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy




  • Editors’ Words 
  • Advancement of the scientific-research potential of the Faculty of Metallurgy through the implementation of infrastructure projects
  • Metallurgy development: Discovery and utilization of aluminum through history 
  • Influence of microstructure on the resistance of tool steels to local corrosion in 3.5% NaCl medium 
  • Engineers’ Day in the Republic of Croatia 2023 
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  “Engineering Power” Vol. 17(3) 2022 Editor-in-Chief Vedran Mornar Editor Bruno Zelić Guest-Editor Zdenka Zovko Brodarac, University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy     CONTENT Editors’ Words  Advancement of the scientific-research potential of the Faculty of Metallurgy through the implementation of infrastructure projects Metallurgy development: Discovery and utilization of aluminum […]

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