International Conference ZIRP 2017

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and Faculty of Logistics of the University of Maribor, Slovenia, are organizing the International Conference on Traffic Development, Logistics & Sustainable Transport (ZIRP 2017) – “New Solutions and Innovations in Logistics and Transportation”, which will take place on […]

Academician Božidar Liščić's Lecture in HAZU

Academician Božidar Liščić, Full Member of HAZU and Emeritus of HATZ, has delivered the lecture “How to Realize Intelligent Product Specialization for the Export Products of High Added Value?”. The lecture was held in HAZU on January 24, 2017 and addressed the metalworking industry, machine construction and electrical industry.  The lecture […]

HAZU Invitation to the Lecture by Marijana Borić, PhD, "Faust Vrančić - 400 Years After"

On the occasion of the 400th Anniversary of Death of Faust Vrančić, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts is organizing the Lecture “Faust Vrančić – 400 Years After” (lecturer: Marijana Borić, PhD). The Lecture will take place on Thursday, February 2, 2017, at 18:00 hours in the HAZU Library […]

AMZH Invitation to the Lecture "Trends in Pharmaceutical Industry and the Role and Position of the Generic Industry"

Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences (AMZH) organizes the Lecture “Trends in Pharmaceutical Industry and the Role and Position of the Generic Industry” (lecturer: Mihael Furjan, BSc (Econ), Pliva Croatia, Inc., President of the Management Board and CEO for Southern and Eastern Europe). The lecture will take place on January 31, […]

HAZU International Scientific Congress „Valorization of Intermodal Logistical Corridor Ploče-Mostar-Sarajevo-Vukovar (Croatian Middle Adriatic-Danube Region)“

The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Scientific Council for Traffic and Transport, organizes the International Scientific Congress „Valorization of Intermodal Logistical Corridor Ploče-Mostar-Sarajevo-Vukovar (Croatian Middle Adriatic-Danube Region)“, under the High Auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, MA. The Congress will take place on […]

Grad Zagreb raspisao Javni pozivni natječaj za Nagradu Grada Zagreba

Odbor za javna priznanja Gradske skupštine Grada Zagreba raspisao je 7. siječnja 2017. Javni pozivni natječaj za podnošenje prijedloga za dodjelu Nagrade Grada Zagreba. Nagrada se dodjeljuje građanima Grada Zagreba i drugim osobama koje rade na području Grada Zagreba, radnim skupinama, trgovačkim društvima, ustanovama, vjerskim zajednicama, udrugama građana i drugim […]

Grad Zagreb raspisao Javni pozivni natječaj za Nagradu Zagrepčanka godine

Odbor za javna priznanja Gradske skupštine Grada Zagreba raspisao je 7. siječnja 2017. Javni pozivni natječaj za podnošenje prijedloga za dodjelu Nagrade Zagrepčanka godine. Nagrada se dodjeljuje građankama Grada Zagreba koje su svojim djelovanjem znatno pridonijele afirmaciji žena u društvu i u javnosti, afirmaciji ženskih ljudskih prava i ravnopravnosti spolova […]

Kolačići: Kako bi se osigurao ispravan rad ovih web-stranica, na vaše uređaje vršimo pohranu male podatkovne datoteke poznate pod nazivom kolačići. Uz prihvat Kolačića vaše pregledavanje stranice će se vršiti nesmetano, a u koliko ne prihvatite Kolačiće možda vam neki od sadržaja neće biti dostupni. Više informacija

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