European Academy Networks Officially Launched the SAPEA Project December 13, 2016, Brussels, Belgium The European Academy Networks (the European academies’ associations network, which consists of Academia Europaea, ALLEA, EASAC, Euro-CASE and FEAM), has officially launched the SAPEA (Scientific Advice to Policy by European Academies) Project in Brussels, Belgium, on December 13, […]
Istaknuti sadržaji/Sadržaji od javnog interesa
Glavna nagrada Grand Prix na 65. sajmu inovacija INNOVA 2016 u Bruxellesu Odjel grafičkog inženjerstva Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske s ponosom obavještava sve članove, kolege i prijatelje da su članovi Akademije s Grafičkog fakulteta u Zagrebu osvojili nagradu za inovativne projekte na prestižnom 65. međunarodnom sajmu inovacija INNOVA u Bruxellesu. […]
HATZ leaders participated at the Euro-CASE Annual Conference 2016
HATZ President Prof. Vladimir Andročec, PhD, and HATZ Vice-President Prof. Zdravko Terze, PhD, have participated at the Euro-CASE Annual Conference 2016 “Big Data – Smarter Products, Better Societies” and at the Euro-CASE Board Meeting. Both events were organized by the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV) in Lyngby, Denmark, on […]
Jubilee of 20th Anniversary of the PBF Biotechnical Foundation
The constitution of the Biotechnical Foundation of the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, started in 1996. It was during the preparations for celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the first study of biotechnology at the Faculty of Technology in Zagreb, which later developed into […]
Croatian Energy Association - 25th Forum: Energy Day in Croatia
25th Forum, Croatian Energy Association Energy Day in Croatia A UNIQUE ENERGY AND CLIMATE POLICY IN OPEN ENERGY MARKET A Year After COP21 Croatian Energy Association held its 25th Energy Forum – Energy Day in Croatia on November 18th, with the subject: „A UNIQUE ENERGY AND CLIMATE POLICY […]
HAZU Invitation to the Lectures "The EU Project Crisis" and "The EU after BR-EXIT"
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) – Department of Social Sciences: Juraj Križanić Cabinet of Legal, Political and Social Sciences, organizes the lectures: Academician Zvonko Posavec, “The EU Project Crisis” Prof. Radovan Vukadinović, PhD, “The EU After BR-EXIT” The lectures will take place on November 22, 2016 in the […]
HAZU - CMMP Invitation to the Opening of the Exhibition KAŠTEL AT THE PINNACLE
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Croatian Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy are organizing the exhibition KAŠTEL AT THE PINNACLE – The Kaštel Factory Medicines’ Advertising and Packaging in Zagreb in 1930es and 1940es. The opening of the Exhibition will be held on November 18, 2016 in the HAZU […]
ICENT and ACROSS Invitation to the ACROSS/CROBOHUB Workshop on Research and Innovation in Robotics
The Nikola Tesla Innovation Center (ICENT) and Scientific Center of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems (ACROSS) of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, are organizing the ACROSS/CROBOHUB Workshop on Research and Innovation in Robotics. The Workshop will take place on November 28, 2016 at the Faculty of […]
Presentation of the Monograph KINCL in HAZU
HAZU Department of Prints and Drawings organizes presentation of the Monograph KINCL. The presentation will be held on Thursday, November 24, 2016 in the HAZU Library hall in Zagreb.
HAZU Invitation to the Lecture of Academician Milko Jakšić
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) organizes the lecture of Academician Milko Jakšić “Pursuing the Experimental Physics in Croatia”. The lecture will take place on Thursday, November 17, 2016 in HAZU Library Hall in Zagreb. More…