The Mediterranean Institute for Life-Sciences (MedILS) organises the Workshop “With CHARME into a transdisciplinary dialogue on STANDARDISATION in life-sciences”, which will be held in Split, Croatia, on October 23-25, 2017. More…
Poziv na tribinu AMZH “Izazovi mikronutricije u medicini”
Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske organizira tribinu pod nazivom “Izazovi mikronutricije u medicini” (predavač: prim. dr. med. Sanja Gregurić) Tribina će se održati u utorak 26. rujna 2017. u 18:00 sati u Velikoj dvorani Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora, Šubićeva 9, u Zagrebu. Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske, Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske, Akademija šumarskih […]
Invitation to Public Presentation of the ACROSS Teaming Project
Public presentation of the ACROSS Teaming Project, by the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (a Supporting Member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering), in strategic partnership with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, and the Nikola Tesla Innovation Centre (ICENT), Zagreb, Croatia, will take place […]
Poziv na predavanje: „Razvoj Hrvatske na ekonomici i tehnologiji koja oblikuje društvo 21. stoljeća”
U srijedu 19. srpnja 2017. u 11:00 sati, u auli Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na Trgu maršala Tita 14, održati će se Predavanje dr. sc. Tihomira Domazeta “Razvoj Hrvatske na ekonomici i tehnologiji koja oblikuje društvo 21. stoljeća” Sveučilište u Zagrebu je podupirući član Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske. Više informacija o […]
Opening Ceremony of the FKIT Laboratory for Automatics and Measurements
Opening Ceremony of the FKIT Laboratory for Automatics and Measurements – An Example of the Successful Co-operation of Siemens Croatia, Inc. and the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the University of Zagreb The opening of the newly equipped Laboratory for Automatics and Measurements is a significant boost […]
The HATZ Office will be closed during summer vacation in the period of August 1-15, 2017. The Office will open on August 16, 2017. In case of importance please contact HATZ Governing Board at: Wishing you a pleasant vacation, HATZ Governing Board
HATZ Laureates of the Hrvoje Požar Annual Award and Letter of Appreciation - Prof. Vladimir Andročec, PhD and Assist. Prof. Zoran Veršić, PhD
Croatian Energy Society – Hrvoje Požar Foundation, under the High Auspices of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Croatian Academy of Engineering, has organised the 23rd Hrvoje Požar Annual Awards Ceremony. The Ceremony took place on Wednesday, July 5, 2017, in the Great Hall of the Croatian Academy […]
The Newest Issue of the NAE e-Bulletin (July 6, 2017)
National Academy of Engineering (NAE USA) has published the newest issue of its e-Bulletin “NAE’s Spotlight on Engineering, Technology, and Policy” (July 6, 2017). The NAE, together with the HATZ, is a CAETS (International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences) Member Academy and is the largest Academy in this distinguished international academic […]
HATZ – posjet Uprave Akademije tvrtki Tehnix d.o.o.
Dana 5. lipnja 2017. godine održan je u tvrtki Tehnix d.o.o. sastanak članova Uprave Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske s predsjednikom tvrtke g. Đurom Horvatom. Sastanku su nazočili: prof. dr. sc. Vladimir Andročec, predsjednik Akademije, prof. dr. sc. Dubravko Rogale, dopredsjednik Akademije, prof. dr. sc. Zdravko Terze, dopredsjednik Akademije, prof. dr. […]
Obavijest o smrti prof. dr. sc. Damira Karlovića (1938-2017.)
S velikom tugom primili smo obavijest o smrti uvaženog člana naše Akademije prof. dr. sc. Damira Karlovića, emeritusa Akademije u Odjelu bioprocesnog inženjerstva. Profesor Damir Karlović preminuo je u petak, 30. lipnja 2017. u 80. godini života. Ostat će nam u trajnom sjećanju kao cijenjeni znanstvenik i stručnjak te renomirani […]