Sućeska Muhamed


Muhamed Sućeska
Full professor 
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering
Born: 1954

Year of awarding diploma degree: 1977
Year of awarding PhD degree: 1991

Business address: 
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Pierottijeva 6, Zagreb
Phone number: +385 1 5535 5874
e-mail address:

Academy membership: Full member
Year of admission to HATZ: 2002
Affiliation with the Academy Department: Department of chemical engineering 


Professional activities

Leading of scientific and/or professional projects:

  • An improved non-ideal detonation model of commercial explosives (NEIDEMO), MSES, 2020-2023
  • Research of ageing and prediction of a life-time of materials, MSES,  2014
  • Thermal analysis of explosives, MSES, 2002
  • Thermal decomposition kinetics and thermal hazard assessment of energetic materials, Chines-Croatian bilateral project, MSES, 2007
  • Investigation of hydrogen storage in Ni-Ti-Zr-Hf quasicrystals, Slovenian-Croatian bilateral project, MSES, 2006
  • Analysis of interactions of rare earth metal alloys with hydrogen, Slovenian-Croatian bilateral project, MSES, 2005
  • „EXPEDIA”- Explosives precursor defeat by inhibitor additives, EU FP7,  2013-2017 (work package leader)
  • „EXETER“ – Security of Explosives pan-European Specialists Network, EU Horison 2020, 2018-2023
  • Development of explosive shape charges and procedures for precise demolition, MSES, 2004-2005

Area of scientific and professional interest:

  • Chemistry and physics of explosive processes
  • Numerical modelling of combustion and detonation of explosives
  • Thermal analysis

Memberships in scientific or professional associations:

  • Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers

Awards or recognitions:

  • Annual national science award, 1998


Muhamed Sućeska –

Muhamed Sućeska –

Muhamed Sućeska –

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