Tomas Srećko


Srećko Tomas
Distinguished professor
Faculty of Food Technology Osijek
Born: 1954.

Year of awarding diploma degree: 1977.
Year of awarding PhD degree: 1993.

Business address:
Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Franje Kuhača 18, 31000 Osijek
Phone number: +385 31 504 203
e-mail address:

Academy membership: Full member
Year of admission to HATZ: 2000.
Affiliation with the Academy Department: Department of chemical engineering


Professional activities

Leading of scientific and/or professional projects:

  • ˝Modelling and simulation of drying and extraction processes in food processing˝ funded by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia (2007.-2014.)
  • ˝ Modern methods of drying in food processing engineering˝ funded by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia (2002.-2006.)
  • VIP project ˝Drying Slavonic indigenous and organic products˝ funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Croatia (2004.-2006.)

Area of scientific and professional interest:

  • Chemical engineering
  • Food engineering
  • Heat transfer
  • Mass transfer
  • Drying

Memberships in scientific or professional associations:

  • Croatian society of chemical engineers and technologists (HDKI); (1985. – )

Awards or recognitions:

  • Charter of University of Mostar for contribution to the development of the University (2012)
  • Annual Award “Rikard Podhorsky” from Croatian Academy of Engineering for scientific and professional achievements (2007)
  • Plaque Faculty of Food Technology of Osijek for contribution to the development of the Faculty (2001.)
  • Rector’s Award 1976. University of Split


Srećko Tomas-

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