Ahić Đokić Melita


Ahić Đokić, Melita, Prof. PhD.Born: 1948

Department of Communication Systems,

International Member (admitted 2007)

B.Sc. Electrical Engineering (1972), M.Sc. Electrical Engineering (1985), Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (1993), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo

University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

tel:+ 387 33250750, fax: +387 33250725

e-mail: melita.ahic-djokic@etf.unsa.ba , amelita@etf.unsa.ba

Signal Processing, Digital Systems Design, Automatic Control Systems

Selected publications:

1. Sokic E., Konjicija S., Ahic-Djokic M., Salihbegovic A. (2011) “Stability Issues in Discretization of Wave Equation”,IEEE IWSSIP 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2. Emir Sokic, Melita Ahic-Djokic: Simple computer vision system for chess playing robot manipulator as a Project-based learning example, IEEE Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2008), 16-19 december 2008, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

3. M.Music, M.Ahich-Djokic, O.Music, Z.Djemic: “Improvement Characteristics of vortex Flow meters Based on Ultrasonic Detection of Vortices” 13th International flow measurement conference FLOMEKO, June 2005, Glasgow, Scotland

4. M.Music, M.Ahich-Djokic: Combined Processing of Electronic Signal of Vortex Flow meter, 14th Symposium on new technologies in measurement and instrumentation, IMEKO, September 2005, Jurata, Poland

5. I. Traljic, B.Perunicic, M.Ahic-Djokic: “Selection of the most Indicative Wavelets for the Multuresolution of the Vowels” Paper has been accepted for presentasion at the joint meeting of the International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT2003), Orlando, USA, July 31 to August 2, 2003.

6. Melita Ahić-Đokić: “Signali i sistemi” Univerzitetski udžbenik, Elektrotehnički fakultet Sarajevo,   Sarajevo 2010.

7. Melita Ahić-Đokić: “Logički dizajn” Univerzitetski udžbenik, Elektrotehnički fakultet Sarajevo,   Sarajevo 2006.

Selected scientific projects:

1. M. Ahić-Đokić i dr.: “ICT4IIT – Informatisation” The National ICT Forum- Informatisation, Internetisation and Telecommunications” Project for United Nation Development Programme, Sustainable Human Development, B&H Sarajevo 2002.


Activity and work of common professional meaning:

Dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering (2000-2004), University of Sarajevo

Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Society: IEEE Signal Processing and IEEE Communications

Member of Review Committee 18 th IEEE International Conference on System Signals and Image Processing, 16-18 June 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Session Chairs (Signal Processing and Technologies)

Member of  Organizing Committee and Member of Editorial Board VIII International Symposium on Telecommunications  BIHTEL 2010: „System aspects of QoS control in Multi system environments“, Sarajevo, 22-24. November 2010.

Member of  Organizing Committee 7th IEEE International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems  VSS02, Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Sarajevo

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